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Disadvantages of a home improvement loan
Disadvantages of a home improvement loan
The best loan rates are generally for borrowers looking to make repayments over three and five years, so you will often pay a higher interest rate to borrow over a shorter term.
The interest charges on larger or smaller amounts can prove a lot more expensive too, while your credit score has a significant impact both on the interest rate you will pay on a loan, and the amount you will be able to borrow.
As rejected credit applications have a detrimental...
Related topics : home improvement loan rates / credit score loan rate
Finding the right secured loan
Finding the right secured loan
Secured loans deals, just like those available on other financial products such as credit cards and bank accounts, vary widely. When choosing a homeowner loan, shopping around for the cheapest deal is therefore the best way to ensure that you pay as little interest as possible.
You can do this quickly and easily by using the MoneySupermarket secured loans channel to compare hundreds of different loans from a wide range of lenders.
The Compare secured loans tool...
Related topics : secured loan credit
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