Doug H

Rank: 1978 / 5440

3 selected videos

Calculate the Interest Rate on a Car Loan

Use the Excel RATE Function to calculate the annual interest rate. This will give you an idea how much interest you are paying if you change the monthly amount or number of payment periods.

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Related topics : used car loan interest rate / used car loan rates

Calculate the Number of Payments on a Loan with the NPER Function

Calculate how many months it will take to pay off a loan (like a car loan) if you know the interest, monthly payment amount and total borrowed amount. Good to know before you have a finance conversation with the dealer!

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Related topics : loan calculator payment amount / loan payment calculator car / calculating loan payments

Create an Amortization Schedule with Cumulative Amounts

This video shows how to create an amortization or loan schedule that also so cumulative amounts of payments, interest and pricipal paid. This is good to show how much of the total payments you are paying to each category.

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Related topics : amortization schedule loan