Artist Loan-Out Agreement and Inducement Letter Companies use Loan-Out Agreement and Inducement Letters to ensure that the artist they are contracting through another entity is committed to that entity.

When a record company or other party deals with an entity for the personal services of the artists, it is technically the entity with which it is contracting, not the artist himself. Therefore, the record company will insist that the artists affirm their...

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From: ContractCentral

Related topics : company loan letter

[2011] 현대캐피탈 Direct Loan - Letter편 (15")

Direct Loan - Letter편 (15")

일상에서 벌어지는 다이렉트한 상황을 광고적으로 표현. 누군가를 향한 편지의 작성부터 배달까지 중간과정 없이 한번에 이뤄지는 Direct Loan 의 편리하고 신속한 속성을 표현.

대행사: TBWA, CD: 박준호, 프로덕션: 밀리그램, 감독: 김택수, BGM: library

Agency: TBWA, CD:JunHo Park, Production: Milligram Film Company, Producer: TeakSu Kim, BGM: library

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From: Hyundai Capital

Related topics : direct loan / company loan letter